Love is No Substitute for Wasted Opportunities 2022

Love is No Substitute My close friend from university, Radek, was very talented and wildly ambitious. He averaged 4.8, had civil law at his fingertips, and had the ability to start a brilliant career in a multinational corporation early on.

In the third year, he won a prestigious competition and did an apprenticeship in a glass skyscraper among interns in slimming pencil skirts.

In the fourth year, he began dating one girl. She was characterized by piercing blue eyes, shoulder-length hair, and a reluctance to display her objectively attractive body.

Radek fell in love like a puppy and everything would be fine if not for the fact that in June he was offered a six-month paid internship at the London branch of the company where he had an internship. He didn’t know what to do. He was tempted by his career on the one hand, and the girl on the other. She supposedly loved him, but was not thrilled with the idea of ​​separation. Love is No Substitute She simply told him it wouldn’t work and made him choose, “Me or career?” Radek did not want to give up any option, so he came to me with four Lechs in the net and a gloomy face.

– Michal, what would you choose in my position? – He asked.

I started to wonder. I quit my plans to be with someone? Would I put someone above my goals and years of work in the direction I am headed? Would I be happy if I chose a girl over a career?

Each time I found that I was not. – Love is No Substitute

It’s not because relationships are falling apart and nothing can stop it. Also not because if she loves it, she will wait, much less because this flower is half of the world, because everyone has, had or will have one person with whom they would rather be with than with everyone else.

Do you know why I wouldn’t do this? Because it would destroy me mentally. I have been going in one direction for seven years. I know what I will be doing in a year, two and three years, and I also know that I will earn much more from year to year. It’s not even about the money, but about the fact that with each passing month I would live more the way I wanted. I could give it up, just like Radek. Who has been preparing for this career for years, poring over textbooks. The problem is, I doubt he would be happy with such a decision.

For the next six months, instead of doing important things for him, he would sit with the rest of the students studying for the commercial law exam. Instead of flying by plane, he would use public transport. Instead of having a decent job while studying, he would wonder where his money will come from during his apprenticeship and whether he will not have to live at the mercy of his parents. Love is No Substitute He would probably also have to permanently lower the bar for himself, and somewhere in YourLatinMates the back of his head he would always have a vision of his parallel life in which he made a different decision.

An MMA Fighter With Championship

The chances and a tremendous talent who stopped training because his wife cried that he might die on the mat. Thanks to this, he now chews while working in the garage, smeared with the maintenance of cars, which he should own.

Love is No Substitute for Wasted Opportunities

The saddest part is that she wouldn’t have appreciated changing his plans anyway. Not because she wouldn’t want to do it. For a good month, he could have an idyll with her like. An advertisement for margarine full of sunshine, laughter and green grass, but that’s it. People see and appreciate single facts. If they were to value flowers, they would appreciate more getting one rose a month. Than if they entered a room decorated with flowers once, as if the Great Gatsby had his fingers in it.

For him, giving up this offer could be the scrapping of one scenario for a lifetime for. Which she should be grateful for just as long. For her, it would be just one romantic act that would cover the dust of everyday life. He would see each day that he was not doing what he wanted and. Love is No Substitute would feel that she should love him deeply for it and expect nothing more. She would be upset that he didn’t take out the trash.

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In my vision of a perfect relationship, people should be together until. They are both happy without having to try, make difficult choices, and make sacrifices. The relationship should provide enough space for self-realization. Actually, there is no other option, because every cry under. The title “If you love me, you will stay with me,” no matter. What decision you make will lead to only one side being completely happy.

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