All Reviews

The complete site is a total scam
The complete site is a total scam. Once your CC is used, they will keep using it. Not one legit girl
jaredmorrisonrx - October 9, 2021
I signed up for a one day trial for. 99 and cancelled after the one day. The crooks then attempted to charge me for a month. I had to contest it with my credit card company and threaten legal action before they would refund the fraudulent charge. The reason I cancelled after one day was it became obvious very quickly the so called members were just fake scammers trying to ripe people off. AVOID THIS SITE!
durcissiscl - October 8, 2021
Kind of like all the fake profiles
Kind of like all the fake profiles you get bombarding you. All they want is to take your money, and you get nothing in return except for probably some dude posing as a girl on the other side of the conversation you “might” have. I better get my money back from these useless slugs.
lederstil24 - October 7, 2021
It’s just money down
Avoid! I have been blocked for no reason, I have not messaged anybody for months, all of a sudden blocked for breaking guidelines even though I’ve not messaged anybody Emailed 5 times no response, no number to call, these app companies seem to be able to take your money and block you. I can’t discuss with anybody I can’t do anything it’s just money down the drain.
pagosu9 - September 8, 2021
Be very careful
I would give this zero stars if I could. First of all why are you not allowed to hide your location? As a woman especially this makes you extremely vulnerable to creepy men who think it’s a good idea to hunt you down. ( Yes we’re living in the real world after all, not fairytale world ) second of all why can I not log into my account anywhere?! There is no log in anywhere to be found on any website. All I want to do is to delete my account since I’m being inundated by creepy men I never ever want to sleep with and who are disgusting predators and a danger to all poor ladies out there. I’m very upset to still have my profile on there, and I can’t find a way to delete it or log on into this account anymore. Ladies! Please be warned there’s so many narcs on this app and men who have severe issues ( groomers into pedophilia, serial cheaters and exploiters and users. Be very careful. I would like my profile deleted now please.
kayelon54863r5 - September 7, 2021
THIS APP IS A SCAM. I’ve used this site on and off for several years with no issue, but have never met anyone genuine — only men interested in hookups. As soon as I decided to bite the bullet and pay for a premium subscription, I was randomly and arbitrarily banned. I went over their guidelines repeatedly and had not broken any of them. I was kind and respectful. I represented myself authentically. I sent original messages. All of this in spite of the fact I often received suggestive and explicit messages from men and they did nothing about it. When I tried to ask WHY I was banned, they refused to say why — just took my money and refused to provide a refund. There is absolutely no way to speak to a human or customer service representative directly. They have absolutely no care for their customers and are clearly misogynistic despite proclaiming themselves to be a feminist app. RUN
kezdettwp - September 6, 2021
Absolutely disgusting
Absolutely disgusting. I had the app for a couple of weeks and I decided it wasn’t my scene and I felt anxious so deleted my account off the app, said it was deleted so I just carried on as usual and a week had gone by, by this point and I felt a lot more happier. Then my guy friend messaged me and said he had just saw me on the app as he obviously was also on it. I was shocked as I had deleted my account. Went on my laptop this time and logged in and it let me in and my account was still active! It wasn’t deleted at all! What a terrible service and absolute liars. I won’t be returning or creating a new account anytime in the near future. Stay away from this app!
verrim1 - September 5, 2021
Negative experience
Too much advertising on YouTube it interrupts every single video, so that just irritates further after my negative experience. I downloaded it last year and it kept showing me matches in other countries when I put the settings within 20km.
tapferyx - September 4, 2021
Horrible experience
Awful app. Horrible experience. After using the app for two days (and not sending any messages or even matching with anyone) I received a message to say I was permanently blocked due to my ‘behaviour’. I cannot possibly imagine how I could have violated guidelines without actually communicating with anyone. I’m a respectable 45 year-old woman, so perhaps this site thinks I’m expendable. However, I found the whole experience rude and upsetting. It’s shocking that they claim to be founded on principles of ‘respect’ when they can treat people so badly.
krizena4w - September 3, 2021
Don’t Like it
I just got banned because of unknown “innapropiate and abusive behaviour” I have never abussed or harassed anyone, so this feels more like people are falsely reporting me. The only negative thing I’ve ever done is unmatching someone. This is a company with unfair arbitraty practices to discriminate users.
halami82 - September 2, 2021
I was blocked
Never been blocked on a dating app until I tried this site, less than a week after I subscribed and I was blocked (for being fake). This app is not moderated well. I emailed customer services but the reply looked fully automatic! I’ve deleted and subscribed with hinge & happn, where they don’t block their customers. It is okay if you don’t subscribe but if you do pay a subscription you’re going to be blocked in a few days time, for made-up reasons.
retelerrm - September 1, 2021
This is a terrible
This is a terrible dating app. Most of the people are fake. When I tried to cancel my subscription, they keep charging me anyway. I have been trying for months to cancel.
rrearickl0 - August 31, 2021
Overall another disappointing experience
Ok so just deleted my profile after yet another frustrating brief stint of swiping left and right (mostly left). I can see that in the few months I’ve been away nothing has changed and It is still hiding all your matches behind a paywall. Because I’ve used the app previously every now and then a “free 1 week trial of premium” offer would flash up, the catch being it would automatically sign you up to a further 3 months – unless you cancelled. Not for me thanks. Out of 3 women I got talking to, 2 didn’t know how to hold a conversation and the other made a lame excuse when I asked her out. Sadly this is not uncommon on dating sites/apps and makes you wonder what people’s real intentions are. Overall another disappointing experience attributed to this site.
equarveoriseedl - August 30, 2021
Nothing but a scam!
No phone no to call and after sending 8 messages, no response. Scam and fake profiles. Tech difficulties are set up. They take your money and refuse to assist. They lure u to believe u have matches and able to send messages, join and suddenly unable to send messages! RIP off. Complain * you’re cut off. They take your $ and run. Report to FTC so they are fined for running illegal service, exactly what they deserve, nothing but a scam!
preparatewa - August 29, 2021
This is a scam
This is a scam, I was given a hit about ten minutes after I posted my picture, we had a conversation and exchanged views, it looked as though we were getting on and were arranging to meet up…however the following day all our correspondence was deleted and I was informed that I had used up my time and it was obvious thar if I wished to continue it was going to cost…this is a scam, I think the person I was corresponding with didn’t exist and it was a come on to get me to subscribe. I’m glad i didn’t sink any cash into it.
moeniavisorrb - August 28, 2021
Waste of money
I won’t be renewing my subscription. Most of the women on there can never be bothered to text you even though they swiped right. Waste of money.
sophus7o - August 27, 2021
This is an awful
1 star is too much for this ite, you should be allowed to rate it the 0 stars it deserves. Read their privacy policy before you even think about signing up, what they can get away with is disgraceful, they should have to highlight their privacy policy in clear easy to see writing before tricking people to sign up. This is an awful app and an awful company, do not make the mistake that I did and read their privacy policy and then go to another dating app that doesn’t exploit their users information for revenue. Also avoid Badoo as they also own Badoo which is just as bad if not worse.
chielsrolmemiv7 - August 23, 2021
They are liers
As many others my account has been blocked falsely!! I have NOT violated, threatened or been abusing anyone. I had paid for a weeks premium but they are refusing to refund as I’ve “ broken there t&c’s” which I clearly haven’t! They never listen but send out vague replies missing the point every time. They will not tell you the reason but refer you to terms and conditions which DO NOT say anything about not being refunded. They are liers And running a scam. ABOUD TIKE THE PLAGUE no way to run a dating site based purely on false lies!!!!
ogavnijimgk - August 22, 2021
It's too frustrating
I have found this application most annoying to use. I was in the midst of some conversations with some users on the second day of usage for this application. All of a sudden it stopped everything and I needed to verify my account, which means taking a selfie. I hate doing it and I did it like four times. And they all failed. I contacted support the same reply. Unfortunately your account wasn’t verify. How fantastic 👏 Seriously, if you already have my phone number, then what’s so hard about verifying the face? Anyway, I’ve given up on this application. It’s too frustrating for nothing. The verifying process shouldn’t be so hard. Obviously the face on pictures will change depending on the environment.
fleurichpb - August 21, 2021
It is terrible
It is terrible and will charge you money without you knowing. One has to manually go, find the option and disable it, otherwise one gets charged. As a new user it is impossible to know that this set-up is turned on by default. So, they are legally covered by having it on by default once you sign up and agree on the terms! So, be very careful! I was charged 60$ for not knowing that because I used some services, despite the fact that I had bought a premium service! The whole site does not allow you to use anything pretty much unless you pay. It’s a rip-off! Good luck!
zbysiowitl - August 20, 2021
Don't use
Don’t use they will just Rob you blind and when you email them they just tell you nothing they can do don’t use unless you like spending money
datssumshytbn - August 19, 2021
They are money robbing
They are money robbing new investors sabotaging the site with there high number of members just to try and get super rich …no one users’s pretty much dead now and the price of coins triples every time I download app lol it use to be free with ads … it was great in early years investors/owners ruined it
resnikr0 - August 18, 2021
I deleted my profile
Most women on this site are absolutely minging and half of them don’t bother replying and 99 per cent of them have kids I want to go on a date not be a be a quick fix daddy for someone. It is literally one of the if not the worst dating site their is. Also the premium option I mean I tried it and it’s an absolute rip off. You literally don’t get anything out of your money. Well apart from a few extra search options. I’m relieved I deleted my profile.
sfolcinill - August 17, 2021
It is a SCAM
The website is useless. Didn’t meet anyone, got some messages from women 15+ years older than me. It is a SCAM also, because I removed my debit card from their system, I deleted the automatic payment and I clicked delete subscribtion button AND they stole from my card 50 euro! I contacted their support, and they keep lying even while I show EVIDENCE. Bottom line, avoid this site, because they aren’t good as a dating website and they also steal your money after you leave them.
alegria117a9 - August 16, 2021
It is a joke
The app was working great until all the sudden none of my messages are going through. I can receive them, but now all the guys I was chatting too are accusing me of ignoring them even though I am actively responding. One of them (the one I was most interested in) now blocked me. I am crying. I have emailed their support team daily and there has been no response. Its happening on the website too. It is a joke and apparently they like to make you look like a jerk.
amerz42950cu - August 15, 2021
Abusive and harassing
It is a breeding ground which engenders sexual denigration towards women. I am a female service user who spent a few weeks on the dating app. Despite reporting a large number of sexist and sexually abusive and harassing comments the site did little about it. I realised that although the men were blocked from my account the site allowed them to continue on the app and were in no way penalised or made accountable for their behaviour.
nemiluit6e - August 14, 2021
Absolute rubbish
Absolute rubbish. I’ve have to overrate as minus stars aren’t available. So full of fake profiles and double profiles it’s a complete joke. Should be banned completely.
ciclo32t - August 13, 2021
Not impressed at all
Not impressed at all about it’s service , I had card payments going out every single week of 4.99p and I checked to see if I had a subscription service and I couldn’t find one : weird !! anyway , I e-mailed to this site and they couldn’t find any such transactions on their records , they tried fobbing me off saying I may have used itunes or google to access their services but the card payment on my bank statement said card payment to this site so I don’t really know , but I now not to touch them or any other online dating subscription service ever again with a barge pole !! I would use no stars if I could…..
thextruexme4w - August 12, 2021
Wont be renewing.
I don’t understand the logic of allowing people that we block to see our profile again and again? They are unable to message so why let them see our profiles? This doesn’t make sense…you just want it to seem like you have so many profiles ? I’m blocking them because I don’t want them to see me! Also i paid for a subscription but people outside my match criteria keep messaging me which is a waste of time. Wont be renewing.
superkick123t2 - August 11, 2021
I was looking for a woman
I found the site by accident while looking around for datig sites. the matches weren’t great i had several cat fishes, people really not being truthful about themselves. but then something stood out to me about her profile. I was looking for a woman in my life.
standertf2 - August 11, 2021
Met a nice man
Met a nice man and I am a one on one person.Do not wish to look more
criazenh - August 11, 2021
I found it a quite boring site
I found it a quite boring site, no one talks/chats at all plus repeated profile’s over & over again, took out a 3 months subscription after a week ask for my money back which they did promptly I might add, I get messages now someone asking a question, but when you look it’s a standard generated computer question on there behalf to get you ‘chatting’ so your replying to someone who is not interested in the first place & think your odd, fell for it once & they ask for payment to read them, what a shameful scam , don’t play on someone’s heart in finding that special person, yes you need funding for your site, but do it the correct way by making a site work for people looking like me not this old nonsense..
organski5b - August 10, 2021
Don't waste your money
Don’t waste your money or time subscription to this site. You see the same profiles repeatedly. That includes the ones you’ve rejected, and the ones who’ve rejected you by not replying to your messages. And it’s not just the occasional profile that returned, it’s relentless. That’s without configuring for specific profiles, height, distance etc.
igneny - August 9, 2021
It is a bunch of con
It is a bunch of con merchants that automatically renew your membership and charge you even when you do not want it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! beware you are warned they intentionally list you in auto-renewal for pay pal and banks which they are entitled to do these people know how to con you legally. You cannot contact them.
krnprincess85bj - August 8, 2021
A totally useless site
A totally useless site, I consider myself an intelligent person but how it is supposed to operate is a complete mystery. I am told someone has sent me a message but it does not appear under the Message section. Avoid like the plague and go to a site such as Telegraph Dating which is straight forward to use and open.
knapiuszot - August 7, 2021
It does not do serious at all!
If I could give this dating website a zero I would! Raving reviews on this site but I’m sorry there is nothing to rave here. They don’t even match people to your likes and interests. II had to deactivate my account and cancel my subscription, which is still active and will only expire in Jan 2022. Please go elsewhere if you are looking for something serious because it does not do serious at all!
schlanowfc - August 6, 2021
I just canceled my subscription
I just canceled my subscription because I wrote that the men there would not even reply to my messages once I told them I’m overweight and then all it was deleted by whom ever is unchanged of the site which it leads me to believe that is a man anyhow I hate the site it’s does not have good customer service actually is nonexistent!, the members here have been here for years and it’s not about them anyways, it’s about the site itself I would not recommend it for anything the worst site in the dating industry period!!!!!!
baplangiq - August 5, 2021
Bad is honestly a compliment
Bad is honestly a compliment. Its your money and more importantly your time. I wish all the best, I believe you may need it. Ive been told many times im easy on the eyes so I wouldn’t think to have such a horrible experience.. I actually recieved over a 100 wanna meets in the first 2 weeks. I messaged about 10-12 women. I was met back with crickets that was my better experience, because the two I did receive back had me wondering if I was in the twilight zone app. Absolutely off the wall replies, like it was meant for someone else. Never answered one of my questions,had very little and random things to say. I’m thinking they have general messages they use to send people its gotta be as its the most logical thing I can come up with. And I’m supposedly attractive, l so to any guys reading pay this no mind trust me its not you.
1emto2y - August 1, 2021
Stay away from this crap
A waste of money no one one line the women are not in my area and no one chats. I get someone likes me but no reply. Stay away from this crap
onpeutlefairevl - July 31, 2021
It is a ripoff
It is a ripoff.A bunch of fake profiles Scammers. Jilust like this site waiting to rip u off.Beggars asking for money gift cards and trying to get any info they can to scam you.Stay away from this Scamsite for your own good.
bolivar2025j7 - July 30, 2021
Filled with fake profiles
Filled with fake profiles and now my account was hacked and someone has uploaded their pictures and email to my account, but have assumed my description and I’m paying for the subscription….good luck trying to get customer service to look into it. This site is dodgy as hell.
dvestoti9m - July 29, 2021
Don't waste your money on this scam.
I hated to even give this site a one star. This is a total waste of money. When you get ready to cancel your subscription, you will get all kinds of “she’s into you” or “she likes you”, or “she wants to meet you”. When you reply, Absolutely no response back. I got more responses in the last few days of my subscription than I did the whole month. I’ve tried this site about 4 times in the last couple of years and have gotten nothing. My pics are all current and my story is true. This site is a joke. I started to wonder if some of this women are even real or are paid to keep their pics and stories on the site to entice men with BS. Don’t waste your money on this scam.
zakale5f - July 28, 2021
Showcase of fake photos
The site is very creative when it comes to the methods for getting your bucks. Better find other avenues.Their only flaw is ladies are overseas and you have to travel there. That was the only thing that made me hesitant at first. On the other hand, those trips always gave me the experience of a lifetime. The ladies were super hot: little black dress, Gucci aroma, high heels and lace lingerie type of women. Hot and REAL!! I hope they keep on rocking the game, so that next time I travel there I will finally pick up my wife – I’m determined to get married this year. I should have not wasted money on this site because of my impatience. These phony lame sites make you act out of impulse. All they can offer is a showcase of fake photos.
hipstompjn - July 27, 2021
Terrible fraudulent app. DO NOT USE. Can not delete profile. Can not unsubscribe. Can not even communicate with other people unless you pay nearly $110 per month for a quota of credits and even then the charges of credits for communication is so high you would have to buy more. ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING
vremkamac2 - July 11, 2021
musavimdv - July 8, 2021
The site is awful
The site is awful. If someone likes you and they don’t have an account, you’ll get a message from them. That’s how they get the commitment. You will then find that the message is generating a CPU. When you contact that person, you either don’t answer or say they haven’t contacted you.
brubliblyux - July 7, 2021
It has fake profiles
Like many other sites, it has fake profiles. DON’T give them money. You can also turn on your money. You will never get value on this site. Complete detachment.
turniura51 - July 6, 2021
I don't like this site
I don’t like this site very much either.
llosgedigxq - July 5, 2021
What a waste of time and money.
What a waste of time and money.
lammesteki1 - July 4, 2021
Complexity alone is useless and you simply don’t waste your money for nothing.
takatoelricvs - July 3, 2021
I am very disappointed
The account is closed and will not reopen. I am very disappointed with the way it was handled. Impossible to talk to anyone. They don’t appreciate their customers.
nockerlfh - July 2, 2021
This is a fraud!
This is a fraud! They steal your money and put fake profiles in your email that you think women want, but that doesn’t lead to anything! They make people nervous pretending beautiful women want them to keep paying for their lying website.
dioppriergo31 - July 1, 2021
It was just a joke
Well, most of the girls on the side were scammers from various locations. They just wanted money to tell you a sad story. It was just a joke. It is not just that. They were all similar scams
worboys33gd - June 30, 2021
Stay out
Stay out. They are a dirty and rotten society with no morals or ethics that clearly have customers who betray slave labor! GREAT FAT ATTENTION !!!!
limpiarlo8q - June 29, 2021
Wasted time and money
There seem to be a lot of crazy and scammers on this site. Too bad we wasted time and money on this.
axeleyle - June 27, 2021
It's a big useless site.
It’s a big useless site. When I created the profile with the photos, I suddenly received 7 quick messages. After I signed up, I found that all messages come from bots. Don’t trust
hicaramdq - June 26, 2021
Not a safe place
This dating site is not a safe place to find a partner, date, or anyone else.
socotindugk - June 22, 2021
Not interested in this site
Men I’ve met online only want one thing. It’s money or sex. It’s sad, but I’m not interested in this site anymore. Thank you.
oordelenes - June 21, 2021
Zero stars
The staff seem totally unable to control the scammers and scammers. If zero stars were an option; this is the evaluation I would give.
4zruf0 - June 20, 2021
This site is FULL of scammers
This site is FULL of scammers and scammers. I can’t even count how many scam messages I have received. The only reason I haven’t deleted my account yet is because I undertake to report every scam / fraud message I receive.
becksuepn - June 19, 2021
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